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Frequently Asked Questions
Will there be toxic fumes?
I use Green Seal certified, (zero V.O.C.) Paints. This means that the indoor air remains free of harmful chemicals and odors thus providing a direct benefit to anyone that comes into contact with the products. The paints I use are the most environmentally friendly, highest performing paint products available. There are now several affordable options on the market and I can discuss the options and price points with you during the consultation.
Are you insured?
I carry full business liability insurance to protect my clients.
How long does it take?
Most murals take 1-2 days but it can take 3-5 days for a whole room design. Of course large murals can take much longer. REMEMBER! Call early because I stay booked 4-6 weeks out. Please call a month or two before you need the work done so I can get you on the calendar. I try to space out the jobs so I can sometimes fit in smaller jobs, but that is not always possible. So plan ahead and schedule the consultation ASAP
Where do you work?
I work in Waco Tx and the greater DFW Metroplex. Dallas & Fort Worth
I also paint murals in Houston, Austin, Waco and Oklahoma. For some murals, there may be a daily stipend to cover travel expenses added to the mural fee.
Do you Hire the work out to other Painters?
I do all the mural work myself. Occasionally I hire assistants to work with me on jobs, but I do all the mural work myself.  I will never send a crew of workers out to your place to do the job for me.
Do you charge for paint?
Not usually
Normally ll the material cost is included in my bid.
The only time I add a paint fee is when I am painting the room a new base color. We will discuss the color and brand of paint you prefer to use and I will bring you the receipt for the paint. This assures that we are using quality paints on your job and not the usual contractor grade paints. This paint will stay with you for future touch ups should you need it.
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